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The project I attended was La Cite de s’invente in Liege, Belgium. My experience was definitely a 5. The organization and members were incredibly helpful and worked hard to incorporate everyone in the projects. I also did the Himalayan Beauty project through you in Dharmashala, India. I enjoyed that experience as well. I wouldn’t change Continue Reading

October 25, 2017

I enjoy volunteering, and … by going abroad gives volunteering a more challenging spirit.

Lysistrata Gowrinathan ~ France February 3, 2016

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I returned with an incredible sense of respect and admiration to the different cultures and with a strong commitment to promote peace Continue Reading

Nelly D. France February 4, 2015

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I came away with a better understanding of myself and of others, of current situations in the world… Continue Reading

Tanya B. Germany February 4, 2016

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“The people there were great, the work was tolerable and the activities were really fun! Thank all of you at Volunteers for Peace so much for the opportunity!”

January 13, 2018

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“This program changed my life and gave me some great life perspective.”

August 13, 2017